Friday, March 26, 2010

Check out the teaser image of Grandfather Bones

Hot on the heels of having finished Creephouse's first piece "Spirits in the Well" Kevin is digging straight into our next piece "The Terrible Revenance of Grandfather Bones." Below is a link to the teaser image on his blog. Kevin has described his theme on this piece as "Old School EC Comics" homage to Creepshow.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Creephouse LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just printed the limited 100 issue first run for CreepHouse's first release...Spirits in the Well. On sale and available exclusively at Starfest at the Creephouse table. Get there early!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Nightmares Tickle Theater

So I recently won the HalloweenHootenany horror story contest on the which is my second year running. My prize for this year was a 1040 HD video camera and I have been thinking for some time about what I would like to do with video were I presented with the opportunity.

So now that this is a reality I am here to announce that on my Youtube Page I will be starting out Nightmares Tickle Theater. I am currently working on the first script which will be the first of at least three. These will be short dramatic pieces revolving around interviewing people who have had encounters with the paranormal and will essentially be debriefings of these events.

They will not likely come out in quick succession as I am also writing a couple Vincent Price Presents for Blue Water Comics, finishing the third installment in my Tulpa series to be illustrated by Kevin Gentilcore for Creative Edge Press, working on a pitch for SyFy channel and a couple other gems more in their infancy.

But I will update this as we get closer to production and look forward to sharing this with you all.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Starfest 2010

As I sit here looking at the blog title it feels a little futuristic to me.

As a kid 2000 always seemed like a distant future and now we're 10 years beyond. As far as I'm concerned after 2000 everything should be considered the future and I want to know why I don't have my own Jetsons flying car that folds into a briefcase.

At any rate, the subject of this blog being Starfest I will be there in attendance with Kevin Gentilcore my partner in our new Creephouse label where we will be selling a limited edition numbered and signed original work of Spirits in The Well. The brilliant and multi talented Daniel Crosier will be there no doubt with his wood burning tools that he uses to do some of the most mind blowing sequential illustrations you've ever seen.

We are but a small part of Starfest which sports not only the Comic Fest area where Kevin, Dan and I can be found in artists alley but also horror fest and Sci Fi fest. Lots of celebrities will be in attendance like Summer Glau of Terminator:The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Marina Sirtis from Star Trek The Next generation and many others.

Check out the link below and come meet me in artists alley at Comic fest.